The son of a ballet school director, Timothy couldn’t help but be immersed in the world of dance and so dance is as natural a form of personal expression to him as walking and talking. He is a dancer of extraordinary fluidity and finesse and a true creative whose skills also extend to photography and painting. As a dancer Timothy can help a choreographer progress the quality of movement and as a choreographer he can help a dancer move in ways even they didn’t think possible.
At age 16, Timothy won first place in the Australian Institute of Classical Dance’s choreographic competition and later graduated from the Australian Ballet School. He was named Dance Australia magazine’s ‘Dancer to Watch’ in 2006 and won the 2007 West Australian Dance Award’s ‘Outstanding Performance by a Male Dancer’. In 2009, he won ‘First Prize’ and the ‘Audience Choice Award’ at Milwaukee Ballet’s International Choreographic Competition.
“ODonnell’s tongue-in-cheek musical choices make a witty backing for his physically exciting choreography. A highlight is the duo to “Flight of the Bumblebee”. The sheer speed of this complicated series of lifts and counterbalances is captivating.”
Nina Levy, Dance Australia magazine, Dec 09
“Those who have seen Timothy O’Donnell perform know that he captivates audiences with his effortless technique and striking lines.”
Dance West magazine